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Hormé: Services

Hormé is Mongolian Moxibustion

A potentially soothing therapy and a lovely compliment to many other treatments, Moxibustion is warming, soothing, and restorative to many energy centers and functions in the body and the flow of its channels.

Don't be scurred by images of burning incense being applied directly to the skin here; the kind I learned uses herbs, wrapped in cloth, dipped into warm oil, and then placed on the body in key spots for the particular individual, using therapeutic patterns.

It is a warming, nurturing, nourishing, pacifying, practice of care.

I studied at Pure Land Farms with Bair Manzarkhanov and was further educated by Dr. Nida Chenagtsang for Sowa Rigpa Institute.

From Pure Land Farms:
'Hormé, otherwise known as 'Mongolian Moxibustion', is one of the fundamental external therapies highlighted in the Four Medical Tantras, the root text of Tibetan Medicine. It is primarily used to address imbalances in the wind humor (Tib. རླུང་ “loong”) by deeply relaxing, warming, and nourishing the body and mind.

Contact for prices and availability

Other Offerings

Meditation   .   Energy Work   .   Holistic Health   .   Thai Yoga Massage   .   Hatha Yoga   .   Yin Yoga   .   Mantra Healing   .   Sound   .   Spacial Harmony Work   .   Animal Support   .   Workshops and Classes

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