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Energy Work

Energy Work: Services

In energy philosophies and work, I feel a strong resonance with something Dr.'s Robert Svoboda and Claudia Welch often repeat; that none of these systems are reality; they are ways that humans have tried to define reality.

Each training, I have learned a different way of trying to relate with, articulate, define, etc, reality, and we go from there.

I do not employ every philosophy or method, or at least all aspects of said, that I have learned. That said, the modalities I am most strongly educated in are:


An element of Ayurveda, it is a form of light touch, hands-on energy healing. It is sometimes labeled as “a Reiki," even though it is from India; not Japan... It is actually an incorporation of sound, light touch, and mutual meditation of practitioner and client (as is most healing) that works primarily with the main 7 Chakras in the Yogic Chakra system, with the intention on balancing them.

Dr. Nina Marballi's Holistic Health Coach Certifications course at Ayurveda’s World in New York City.

Another form of light touch energy restoration, La Massage incorporates meditation, mantra, and a Moon cycle calendar, to connect with key points on the body to sense and improve energetic abundance and balance.

Training: Initially learned from Dr. Nida Chenagtsang in New York City. Later empowered to offer this to clients while on retreat in Bali, Indonesia.

A light touch, hands-on healing: It is believed that we can channel a form of universal energy through us in order to encourage emotional, mental, and physical healing.

Reiki 1: Maha Rose in New York City with Erika Spring. Incorporated the Yogic 7 Chakra system, Craniosacral, crystals, and mantra.

Reiki 2: Karina Gian Atma, Radiance Wellness, Santa Monica, CA

Reiki 3 & Master: Karina Gian Atma, Topanga, CA

Other Offerings

Meditation   .   Holistic Health   .   Thai Yoga Massage   .   Hatha Yoga   .   Yin Yoga   .   Mantra   .   Sound   .   Hormé   .   Spacial Harmony Work   .   Animal Support   .   Workshops and Classes

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