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The Superfluous Branches of the
Ash(leigh) Tree:
Healing (&) Arts
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Art is Healing and Healing is an Art
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Obligatory About Moi:
(I'm learning French, can you tell? Me neither -- well, I'm STUDYING French...)
I am a performer in media and stage productions; scripted and improvised; musical and otherwise.
Between scenes
I'm wonderfully weird in a host of ways. Regardless, I'm more interested in what is real and honest and open than appropriate or if, "we're doing that, here."...
I provide various services like Healing Arts, support with animals and homes, and garment styling, designing and / or sourcing costumes.
When my head isn’t in the game, I give it free rein in the clouds.
Sometimes I overload my day and I leave typos in my wake. That is only one of my many flaws and it is likely displayed on this site.
Butcha know? Typo's are not the worst things to leave behind.
While I work on myself a lot, I still seem to be a fallible human. More and more of me is okay with that. -- I heard that saying that is a way to be relatable in Arts and Wellness spaces and maybe even eventually get people to like you. -- Have you found that to be true? Please contact me if you have tips...
Having a flaw means that there is always something more to accomplish and I have ovaries, so I'm told that that is always the goal for me.
This site displays a handful of the things I offer in one place to keep both you and me more centered among the many directions I extend into (hence, “tree” - i know, GENIUS).
I don't separate out my services anymore partly because money and partly because I think it is valuable to look beyond a “brand” and hold each human for all their dimensions (I know, brandsters; that then becomes my brand...): If we could let each person be EVERYTHING they are, imagine what else we could handle and how much more efficient, harmonious, and beneficial for all we could make our experience of this reality. What better ways could we invest our energies if we worked to let go of pettiness, agreed to disagree, relaxed things like ego parades and pseudo ownership patterns, and if we would just accept that each person, including our very own selves, is so very many things all at once - and that we each exist in a place far beyond any words assembled in what are bound to be futile attempts at accurate definitions, labels, diagnoses, etc. - I sound super fun, don't I? I’m not intense at all. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Anyway, thanks for being here, and now please feel so free to do what you feel called to (always and in all of the ways); look around, move on to the next site that calls, save for later, etc: I say this because I believe that if you do you, we will all find ways to do the same with our mirror neurons and we will eventually each find our way to where we truly belong; therefore negating said ego and ownership mistaken definitions and identities. Lecture, complete.
Happy Today,
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Why Ash Tree?
Finding a name for this space was a long road that lead me back to the thing already in my name.
Very Wizard of Oz.
Instead of sharing the too-long story here, I am going to say
A. In short, it makes undeniable (IMO) sense on all the levels.
B. MUCH more important; go outside (weather and all other factors permitting) and look at and spend time among some actual, physical trees - it's literally an acknowledged practice that is potentially therapeutic. Plus, it's free (and in my experience it's fantastic). Am I putting myself out of business by suggesting this free, readily available technique? Possibly, but probably not, because, you might not have guessed, but I offer very different things than trees. Even if I was, my priority as one in service is that you get what YOU need... And I am only interested in those who need my services coming to work with me. Now, GET. OFF. THAT. FECKING. DEVICE. And go on out and give the trees some love - and allow them to love you back. You both will benefit.
Best and Worst,
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Join me on Instagram
Because we're all just following each other home. -- wait, that's not the phrase...
Insta: /theashleylovell
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